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Library & Research

Books fall open, you fall in,

Delighted where you've never been.

Hear voices not once heard before,

Reach world through world, through door on door.

Find unexpected keys to things,

Locked up beyond imaginings….

True books will venture, dare you out,

Whisper secrets, maybe shout,

Across the gloom, to you in need

Who hanker for a book to read.

— David McCord 

Girl walks into a book

Online Learning Resources

Digital Citizenship Newsletters

STEM Class

Typing Club

The Welchester STEM Class is an opportunity for students to get hands-on experience and learn about their world using science, technology, engineering, and math. We will be using Legos, Spheros, snap circuits and other tools as a medium for students to learn about designing, building, and technology.

Our STEM Class will meet throughout the week (schedule coming soon).

Contact Us

Kelly Wahlmeier, Library Paraprofessional